I love watching the teens get fucked! But this chick is a Woman! Good lord perfect body and can take a good pounding! So fucking hot! Love her hard nipples and just about everything about her!
An example of modern day junk and bullshit masquerading as erotica. I know its a fake scene and many people on here know this too, but it's still beyond ridiculous to create such a scene and any man, who has interacted with at least a few women, knows women really do not behave/respond like this, no matter the scenario. It’s obviously fine to depict fantasy, but fantasy must have an element of reality in it, otherwise many/most people won’t be able to identify with it or follow it or be able to experience what the video is seeking to invoke. Most likely these videos are made for clueless I4 ¥r old b.0yz, with no personal experience of females and how they think but who somehow think such behavior and fake tits are "hot". Further, eroticism long ago fell off a cliff and producers and performers seem not to know what it is or how to convey it. This is what is missing from most modern porn, along with creativity and sensuality. A decent subject I think for many a dissertation.
Most likely these videos are made for clueless I4 ¥r old b.0yz, with no personal experience of females and how they think but who somehow think such behavior and fake tits are "hot". Further, eroticism long ago fell off a cliff and producers and performers seem not to know what it is or how to convey it. This is what is missing from most modern porn, along with creativity and sensuality. A decent subject I think for many a dissertation.